Invitation & Offer: I’m pleased to be able to invite you to an event I have helped to set up in Bath, for CEDR, in partnership with the Royal United Hospital, Bath, and with the kind collaboration of Virgin Care, BathNES Council and Bath Mind: Mediation Matters: Addressing Mental Wellbeing Issues in the Workplace (9 Mar, Bath). Details of the event below. You can email Liadh at and mention my name to request a discount code for a 2-for-1 offer on tickets (numbers limited). I hope to see you there. Please do spread the word.
A CPD workshop for professionals and leaders, from the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution, in partnership with the Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust.
The Need for a Paradigm Shift in Workplace Wellbeing
The 2017 UK government Thriving at Work (Stevenson & Farmer) report stated, ‘the UK is facing a mental health challenge. Not only is there a big human cost of poor mental health at work, there are also knock-on impacts for society, the economy and Government. Employers are losing billions of pounds because employees are less productive, less effective, or off sick.’
This special event will explore the key relationship between mental health wellbeing and the prevention, management and resolution of employment and workplace disputes. Through a combination of expert panel discussion and demonstration of real case examples we will:
- Consider why mental health issues are so important in the management of conflict and mediating disputes.
- Explore how mediation can play a vital and transformative role in promoting a positive and proactive approach to mental health and wellbeing in the workplace.
- Share examples and experiences of real cases highlighting challenges and successes, including:
– Managing the particular issues surrounding mental wellbeing in the workplace.
– Mediations involving employees suffering from a mental health condition or
– Understanding when to mediate and when to seek psychological support.
– Coaching to facilitate return to work following either periods of work-related illness or trauma.
– Illustrating instances where mediation has been a positive life changer
We invite you to join us for this interactive session and contribute to shaping this important discussion.
This session chaired by Fiona Colquhoun, Mediator and CEDR Director, will be led by a panel of experienced professionals & mediators:
- Fiona Colquhoun (Chair) – CEDR Director & Mediator, Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution
- Cindi Bedor – Head of Staff Counselling, EAP Manager and internal mediator, Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust
- Clare Laker – Public Health Development & Commissioning Manager, Bath & NES Council
- Paul Wilson –
Head of Mental Health Services, Virgin Care Ltd - Arabella Tresilian – CEDR Associate & Mediator, Chair of Bath City Farm, and Bath Mind trainer
Who should attend?
- HR Professionals (ER, L&D, HRBPs, Managers and Directors)
- In-House Lawyers
- Line Managers / Directors
- Trade Union / Work Council Representatives
- Professional Body Representatives
- Commissioners of ‘neutral’ workplace or employment investigations and other processes ( e.g. reviews, independent investigations, Chairing appeals, etc.)
CPD – 3 hours
CEDR provides recognised CPD for a number of professional bodies (please ask if you wish to know if your profession is covered).
The cost
£ 50.00 plus 20% UK VAT for all participants
£ 25.00 plus 20% UK VAT for CEDR members
Friday 9 March 2018. 9.30am – 12.30am (Registration at 9am)
Location: Bath
Address: Trust Boardroom, Oasis Conference Centre (Building E6), Royal United Hospital, Combe Park, Bath, Avon BA1 3NG
For more information or to book a place
Please contact the training team on +44(0)20 7536 6000, email or use our secure server to book online.