Workplace Mediation & Employment Mediation

with Arabella Tresilian

Click here to download my Employment and Workplace Mediator profile 

Arabella Tresilian has over 20 years experience in management consulting and leadership. As an employment and workplace mediator, she works alongside HR teams and employment solicitors to resolve team issues before they move to dismissal, resignation or employment tribunal. She has specialist expertise in employee mental health and wellbeing. 


Workplace Mediation & Employment Mediation services

  • Boardroom / CEO disputes
  • Trustee disputes 
  • Employment Exit / Settlements
  • Grievances and Disciplinaries
  • Employee / Client disputes
  • Line manager / Report conflicts
  • Colleague conflicts or broken relationships
  • Discrimination / Equality Act 2010 disputes
  • Employee sickness / mental health
  • Team performance issues 

What can Mediation or Team Development do for us in the workplace?

Employment & Workplace mediation agreements might include:
  • arrangements for rebuilding working relationships
  • agreeing future management / reporting protocols
  • acknowledging or apologising for past difficulties
  • resolutions to grievance or complaint processes
  • terms for an employee’s exit from the organisation
  • end to legal proceedings


Whole team functioning ineffectively or in disagreement? Does mediation feel ‘too much’ or ‘too sensitive’ to embark on?

I facilitate flexible, targeted Team Development sessions to clear the air, reboot working protocols, boost trusting relationships and revitalise team-working

“If Arabella could clone herself and send us a copy! Many thanks – a job very well done.”
Trustee – trustee board dispute mediation feedback


When to call me about Workplace Mediation or Team Development:

  • A team, board or committee is not functioning or performing well
  • Two+ employees whose working relations are breaking down
  • A manager and direct report struggling to communicate effectively
  • A grievance procedure underway or imminent
  • A complaint lodged about staff/service from a customer, client or patient
  • A dispute between your service and a customer, client or patient
  • Seeking to support an employee who has a disability or mental health difficulties
  • If you are looking for specialist understanding of neurodiversity or autism 
  • Questions around your duties as an employer under the Equality Act 2010
  • The potential of an employment tribunal, employee / client litigation, or other court proceedings between your organisation and an individual/organisation
  • Court proceedings are imminent or have led to a judge recommending mediation

“Fantastic facilitation. Handled really well. A very productive, well-structured approach to problem solving.” Board member – board dispute mediation feedback


Mediation Case Study: Employment & Workplace

Feedback to Arabella from a mediation between a manager and a direct report, commissioned by the organisation’s Head of HR

Head of HR: “As always, it has been a pleasure working with you. You’ll be pleased to know that there has been a huge improvement in the team’s working since the mediation  and we all really appreciate your help and support, and it is always a pleasure working with you.Thank you for the feedback.”

Manager: “Time and space to reflect. Support during reflection. An enjoyable experience in a fun and creative atmosphere. You created a supportive and safe atmosphere where I felt able to express any fears and concerns, and you were great at enabling me to work through thought-processes and reach outcomes.”

Direct Report: “Arabella was supportive and understanding, listening with patience. She gave me the confidence to express my ideas in our meeting and I found the process to be productive, focussed and extremely helpful. Working with Arabella has improved my working relationships and I am happier and more settled in the workplace.”


What do clients say? Employment & Workplace – Mediation, Facilitation and Team Development

  • Trustee: Clear structure for the day. Safe space and generosity to us all. If Arabella could clone herself and send us a copy! Many thanks – a job very well done. 

  • Director: Kept things open and calm. Structured well. Many thanks for a safe ‘space’ and thanks for helping us move forward. 

  • Manager: Arabella was an excellent mediator helping us navigate our way through an initial period of a new team structure. 

  • HR lead: The team found the whole experience very positive and helpful – an immense help to them all. They appear to be working together with a more positive and united approach which is helping the rest of the teams to work with them too.

  • Board member: Arabella was supportive and constructive in our preparations for and experience of mediation. Her emphasis on expressing our feelings led to a more positive outcome than we had anticipated.

  • Employee: I highly recommend working with Arabella on team development. Arabella’s warmth and understanding attitude creates an environment where you feel that you can share anything without judgement.

  • Manager: Having a Team Development workshop with Arabella was really helpful and valuable in giving the five of us space to talk about our concerns and to decide upon more positive and effective ways of working in the future.