Mediation for Universities, Colleges & Schools


Arabella Tresilian works with universities, colleges and schools to provide services including:

  • conflict coaching and mediation for staff and (over 18s) students
  • workplace and employment mediation for staff
  • conflict resolution training for staff, line managers and senior leaders
  • advanced communication skills for students and staff
  • mental health awareness and conversations for staff and students
  • Mental Health First Aid certificated training for university staff
  • employability training for students via my business Equisphere Employability
  • leadership training for students via my business Equisphere Employability

I have a Post-Graduate Diploma in Educational Leadership and Management from the University of Bath, and an MAHons (English Literature) from the University of Edinburgh


Arabella’s work with Universities, Colleges & Schools – Case Studies:

Schools – various

Mediation and coaching to support educational staff, students and parents – including:
  • Headteacher / SLT / employee – workplace mediations
  • Headteacher / SLT / parent – resolving disagreements about discrimination (race and disability) / behaviour / exclusion
  • Emergency resolution support for academic / administrative staff – following traumatic events on campus


Bath Spa University (2020-2021) in association with Bath Mind and Equisphere Employability 

I worked with Bath Spa University’s fantastic HR department to help design and deliver their innovative workplace mental health strategy in partnership with the brilliant Bath Mind:

    • Designed and delivered bespoke Mental Health Awareness training for the HR department
    • Designed and delivered bespoke various employee sessions during the pandemic: Wellbeing at Work in Challenging Times
    • Designed and delivered bespoke session for SLT: Workplace Mental Health & Wellbeing at Bath Spa
    • Trained 30+ Mental Health First Aiders amongst the university workforce
    • Trained 100+ line managers in MHFA England’s Mental Health Aware certificated training

I also designed and ran the Enterprise Challenge for Bath Spa University as co-founder of Equisphere Employability.


Bath University (2018-2021) – in association with Bath Mind and Equisphere Employability 

For Bath University I have been fortunate to have delivered a wide range of communication, leadership and mental health projects including while being part of Mind’s ‘Mentally Healthy Universities’ programme funded by Goldman Sachs.

    • Trained up two cohorts of Staff Wellbeing Champions for Mind’s ‘Mentally Healthy Universities’ programme with Bath Mind
    • Designed and delivered the Bath University Gold Scholars’ Charity Challenge (2019 and 2020), as co-founder of Equisphere Employability
    • Designed and delivered the Enterprise Challenge for Bath University students as co-founder of Equisphere Employability.
    • Designed and delivered Leadership & Communication training for Bath University post-graduates as co-founder of Equisphere Employability.


Norland College (2021+) 

I am fortunate enough to have worked with the wonderful students, NQNs (Newly Qualified Nannies), staff and SLT of the internally renowned Norland College to provide coaching, guest lecturing and training in:

  • advanced communication skills
  • conflict resolution and negotiation skills
  • mental health and wellbeing conversation – in partnership with Bath Mind



Positive feedback (2021) from university line managers on my Bath Mind Mental Health Aware course, accredited by Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) England: 

Universities share feedback