I’m delighted to invite you to join me in my capacity as an associate trainer for Bath Mind, and Pip Galland of Royds Withy King, for a day of learning about ‘Managing your employees’ mental health and wellbeing’ on the 17th May 2018. Booking now (early bird until 3rd May).
This year, 14 to 20 May 2018, marks Mental Health Awareness Week. With research showing that mental ill health costs UK businesses £42 billion each year, what is your organisation doing to manage employee mental health, engagement, productivity and sickness absence?
If your role includes HR or you’re a manager, maintaining your employees’ mental health & wellbeing can be difficult when you’re not medically trained. How do you curb sickness absence and ensure that the business isn’t exposed to an employment tribunal claim?
Join Royds Withy King and Bath Mind as we team up to run a course on managing your employees’ mental health in the workplace. Learn from our experts and other like-minded professionals about creating a supportive culture surrounding mental health. Arabella Tresilian, Workplace Mediator & Bath Mind Trainer, and Pip Galland, Employment Solicitor, will be covering the following topics:
Part 1: Mental Health awareness (Morning)
- how to spot the signs and symptoms of mental health concerns in your team
- how to have sensitive conversations with staff and build a supportive culture
- where to signpost staff to professional external help
- how to support and manage staff experiencing stress
- how to remain resilient to dealing with mental health issues at work.
Part 2: Employment law (Afternoon)
- what your legal obligations are as an employer
- how to avoid disability discrimination and other employment claims
- how to manage sickness absence / capability
- how to obtain medical evidence and what questions to ask
- when to make reasonable adjustments.
Detailed workbooks with practical scenarios, breakfast and lunch are all provided during the day.
Event details: Managing your employees’ mental health and Wellbeing
Date: Thursday 17 May 2018
Time: 9.30am – 4.00pm
Venue: Royds Withy King’s Bath office
Cost: £220 plus VAT. There is a 10% discount for tickets booked before 3 May.
Book your place now
Managing your employees’ mental health and wellbeing with Bath Mind
#mentalhealth #workplacehealth #workplacewellbeing #employees #employers #HR #legal